Saturday, December 17, 2005

Hadith Islam

Hat tip to:

Why There is No Islam without the Hadiths
** This is the first of a four part series regarding the difficulties faced in reforming Islam. Funk Soul Bruhva offers an excellent response to a "Quran only" Muslim, Ameer during a debate as to why the Hadiths cannot be separated from the Quran as a way to minimize the violence and oppression in Islam.
Qur'an-only Muslim, You Say?
There seems to be a growing number of Muslims who call themselves "Quran only" Muslims. Now why would that be anything to boast about, let alone be a trend? If you haven't read the Hadith, the answer may not be apparent. For in the Hadith, are the accounts of Mohammad's deeds and examples. This is the only place they are found, for the Quran is supposedly the world of Allah. No person can come to know Mohammad without knowing the Hadith. The reason a growing number of Muslims want to invalidate the Hadith, is that the Hadith depict Muhammad as a most unsavory person: a selfish, egotistical pirate, serial-murderer, sex-addict, pedophile, plagiarizer, liar, and bigot.
So it all comes down to this: If the Hadith Collections of Ishaq, Tabari, Bukhari and Muslim are true, Muhammad was the most evil man who ever lived, Allah was the most demented god ever conceived, and Islam was the most vile doctrine ever imposed on humankind. If, however, the Hadith Collections are untrue, then nothing is known of Muhammad, the conception of his god, or his formation of Islam. There is no rational reason to believe it, observe it, suffer under it, or die for it.
So, let's begin by examining how the Quran repeatedly commands Muslims to obey the prophet and follow his example:
Obey the Messenger (Mohammad): Qur'an 4: 64 "We sent not a messenger but to be obeyed, in accordance with the will of Allah." Qur'an 4:80 "He who obeys the Messenger obeys Allah." Qur'an 5:92 "Obey Allah and obey the Messenger, and beware!" Qur'an 24:53 "Say: 'Swear not; Obedience is (more) reasonable.' Say: 'Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger." Qur'an 48:10 "Verily those who swear allegiance to you (Muhammad), indeed swear their allegiance to Allah."
These are but a few listed commands to obey Mohammad. It is, in fact, a recurring theme found throughout the Qur'an. Let's see here, "He who obeys the Messenger obeys Allah". This sounds a lot like a confession to me.
Next I will highlight where the Qur'an orders Muslims to follow Mohammad's example:
Follow Mohammad's example:
Qur'an 33.21 "Verily in the Messenger of Allah you have a good example for him who looks unto Allah and the Last Day."
Qur'an 60.4 "There is for you an excellent example, a pattern in Abraham and those with him[ie: Mohammad], when they said to their people: 'We are through with you and with what you worship besides Allah. We reject you. Hostility and hate have come between us forever, unless you believe in Allah only.'"
Qur'an 6.83 "And this was Our argument which we gave to Abraham against his people. And We gave him Ishaq (Isaac) and Yah'qub (Jacob) [Oops. Abraham was given Isaac and Ishmael. Jacob came later]; each did We guide, and Nuh (Noah) did We guide before, and of his descendants, David and Solomon, and Job and Joseph and Moses and Aaron; and thus do We reward those who do good (following Muhammad's example in the Sunnah). And Zachariah and Yahya (John), Isa (Jesus) and Elias; every one was of the good [i.e. Muslims]; And Ishmael and Elisha and Jonah and Lot and every one We preferred above men and jinn."
Those of sound mind who have studied the Qur'an and Hadith understand that Mohammad merely repackaged moon-god worshiping Arab paganism into the form of a monotheistic cult. Monotheism was a big trend during those times with Judaism and Christianity as the major monotheistic religions gaining power. Mohammad wanted a piece of the action for himself, and so created his own religion by plagiarizing both Judaism and Christianity, as well as other bits and pieces of information he came across, like the work of Greek scientist Galen. Mohammad then mixed it all together with Arab pagan customs and ideas, like jinn, Hajj, praying to Mecca, prostration, etc. Some of these pagan practices, in fact, have become pillars of Islam. The Hadith only serve to confirm this, another reason why some Muslims wish to ignore or discard the Hadith.
The Hadith tell the stories of Mohammad's search to plagiarize Jewish scripture, at any price, which the Jews were happy to charge, and why Mohammad hated them so afterwards, and why Muslims still hate Jews today. Not only did the Jewish Rabbis charge Mohammad a high price, they also recited to him slightly inaccurate stories (Mohammad couldn't read). The rabbis likely knew what Mohammad was up to.
From the Hadith, Mohammad's Sunnah (or example) has become the basis for Islamic law-the most oppressive, repressive, violent and male-chauvinist code on earth. Muslims follow Mohammad's example, which is why they tend to be the most irrational, male-chauvinist and violent people on earth.
Muslims are also ultra-sensitive when comes to criticism of their "prophet" - much more so than criticism of Allah. Why is this? Could it be that most Muslims, deep inside, realize Mohammad was an immoral and evil man, therefore criticism should be hushed and quashed; questions should not be asked? Even drawing his face is prohibited. What is there to hide? Why do some muslims deny the Hadith? Is there something in there that disagrees with their human side? The answers can be found in the Hadith themselves, chronicled initially by Ishaq, then by Bukhari, Muslim and Tabari.
Below is an example of a Muslim, "Ameer", attempting to deny the validity of the Hadith, and thus try to sweep Mohammad's evil character under the carpet. Many Muslims, as the one below, go so far as to say that "fake" Hadiths exist. I suppose, perhaps, it must have been the Jews who made the fake Hadiths [sarcasm].
The problem with that excuse is that Ishaq, Bukhari, Muslim and Tabari are considered by Muslim scholars themselves as "Sahih Hadith". They are the most authenticated and accepted Hadith by the scholars. How can an ordinary Muslim dispute them? So when I'm debating with Muslims, I only reference Ishaq, Bukhari, Muslim and Tabari. There can be no argument to their authenticity, so any argument put forth a Muslim, means they are challenging the highest scholars. That could constitute heresy.
Below the Muslim's denial of the validity of the Hadith, is my rebuttal:
----------------------------------------------- Ameer wrote: I don't find things in the Qu'ran objectable [sic] but many Hadiths are objectable [sic], so I don't really follow Hadiths. Firstly, there are so many fake ones. And even if they were true, if they go against Islam's teaches, they are still wrong. I think the best thing to do is just not take Hadiths seriously. --------------------------------------------- Aye, there's the rub.... not taking them seriously is impossible.Without the Hadith, you cannot know Mohammad. Without knowing anything about Mohammad, you cannot follow his example, and there is no Islam. If you doubt the Hadith you doubt the entirety of Islam, and therefore are apostate/murtad/kafir (whatever applies to you).
In fact, 4 out of 5 of Islam's Pillars would not exist without the Hadith, and the Qur'an would be indecipherable.
Bukhari:V1B2N7 "Allah's Apostle said: 'Islam is based on (the following) five (principles):
First Pillar: To testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is Allah's Apostle.
The Qur'an orders Muslims to obey the Messenger. If you don't know what he ordered, that's impossible. The Qur'an alleges that it's entirely composed of Allah's commands, not Muhammad's, so you'd be out of luck. The Qur'an also tells Muslims that they must follow the Messenger's example, yet the only place that example is established is in the Sunnah. Therefore, Islam's First Pillar is utterly meaningless, and impossible to implement, without Ishaq and Tabari.
Second Pillar: To offer the (compulsory congregational) prayers dutifully and perfectly.
Once again, that's not feasible. The "compulsory congregational prayer" isn't described in the Qur'an. There aren't even any clues. In fact, the Qur'an says that there should be three prayers, none of which it depicts, and the Hadith demands five. The only explanation of the obligatory prostration is found in the Sunnah-and even then it's never described by the prophet himself. Muslims are performing a ritual without Qur'anic precedence. As such, the Second Pillar is rubble. However if we take a look at the pagan rituals of the times, we can see where this practice originated.
Third Pillar: To pay Zakat. (Bukhari:V1B2N7)
How is that possible when the terms of the Zakat are omitted from the Qur'an? The first to commit them to paper was Ishaq. A century later, Tabari referenced Ishaq's Hadith. The only reason Muslims can pay the Zakat is because Ishaq explained it to them.
Fourth Pillar: To perform Hajj.
Nope. That's impossible too. The only explanations of the Hajj are in the Sunnah. No aspect of the pilgrimage can be performed without referencing the Hadith. Muslims would be lost without it.
Do you suppose Allah will redeem himself and explain the final pillar in his "perfect, detailed, and final revelation to mankind?"
Fifth Pillar: To observe fast during the month of Ramadan. (Bukhari:V1B2N7)
Although the Qur'an does indeed describe the fast, without the Hadith, Muslims wouldn't know why Ramadhan was so special (unless they researched Arab paganism). The accounts of the meaning of Ramadan are in their Traditions - initially chronicled by Ishaq and then copied by Bukhari, Muslim, and Tabari.
Funny thing is, the one pillar that is actually described in the Quran, is actually a borrowed pagan ritual Qusayy invented pre-dating Mohammad's Islam. Qusayy's family took a cut on merchandise sold during the "truce of the gods" fairs of Ramadhan. Ramadhan and all the associated customs that go along with it (stoning of the devil, circumambulation of the ka'aba, the ka'aba stone itself, walking the mountains, etc.) are all of pagan origin.
If you follow the Qur'an, it is incumbent upon you to follow Mohammad's example and obey him. The only way to do this is to accept the Hadith.
You have a serious dilemma to ponder, Ameer. Funk Soul Bruhva
Feel free to borrow from this essay in your on-line debates with Quran-Only Muslims. All the Best, -Funk Soul Bruhva

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